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25 luglio 2010

You Take My Breath Away

sono le 4 e mezzo, un bicchiere d'acqua per sciacquare la bocca da una cena alquanto saporita, una controllatina al blog e un post che ci scappa di sfuggita. solo per dire che ho in mente questa canzone, ché ho in mente la persona che mi fa venire in mente questa canzone, e che mi porta via il respiro (anche la canzone mi porta via il respiro). notte.

Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh take it take it all away
Ooh ooh ooh ooh - ooh take my breath away - ooh
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh you take my breath away

Look into my eyes and you'll see
I'm the only one
You've captured my love
Stolen my heart
Changed my life
Everytime you make a move
You destroy my mind
And the way you touch
I lose control and shiver deep inside
You take my breath away

You can reduce me to tears
With a single sigh
(Please don't cry anymore)
Every breath that you take
Any sound that you make
Is a whisper in my ear
I could give up all my life for just one kiss
I would surely die
If you dismiss me from your love
You take my breath away

So please don't go
Don't leave me here all by myself
I get ever so lonely from time to time
I will find you
Anywhere you go, I'll be right behind you
Right until the ends of the Earth
I'll get no sleep till I find you to tell you
That you just take my breath away

I will find you
Anywhere you go
Right until the ends of the Earth
I'll get no sleep till I find you to
Tell you when I've found you -
I love you

Take my breath, take my breath
Take my breath, take my breath
Take my breath, take my breath
Take my breath, take my breath
Take my breath, take my breath
Take my breath, take my breath
Take my breath, take my breath
Take my breath, take my breath
Take my breath away.

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