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4 giugno 2010

Stratovarius - will my soul ever rest in peace?

Prima di prepararmi per il palliativo giornaliero (partita di calcetto), voglio provare a pubblicare una canzone.
Una canzone che mi ha accompagnato per queste tre settimane e che continuerà a farlo. L' ho riscoperta dopo anni che non la sentivo.


I've been searching for an oasis
In the desert for so long
In my weakness trying
To pretend I'm strong

I've been holding on
To things that I have left behind
I've been scared and lonely
I'm crippled inside

Bathed my soul in the starlight
Healed my wounds in the sun
Screamed my pain to the forest
Asking the question why?

Will there come a time for me when I find peace of mind
Will I always have this feeling like I'm last in the line
I will climb up the mountain and light up the candle and ask:
"Will my soul ever rest in peace?"

I've been washed in pain
Haunted by the ghosts of years ago
They won't leave me be
They keep coming back for more

Will there come a time for me when I find peace of mind
Will I always have this feeling like I'm last in the line
I will climb up the mountain and light up the candle and ask:
"Will my soul ever rest in peace?"

My crippled soul is yearning to be free

Will there come a time for me when I find peace of mind
Will I always have this feeling like I'm last in the line
I will climb up the mountain and light up the candle and ask:
"Will my soul ever rest in peace?"

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